After a Bird Fell Down

A Unique Picture Book Exploring the Cycle of Life

Inspired by the cycle of life and the concept of duality, designer Shu Wei Chang presents "After a Bird Fell Down," a captivating picture book that combines the elements of hole books and pop-up books. Through its innovative design and thought-provoking narrative, this book invites readers to contemplate the complexities of life and the beauty of new beginnings.

At first glance, "After a Bird Fell Down" appears to be an ordinary book, but upon closer inspection, its unique properties become apparent. With each turn of the page, the hole in the book grows larger, symbolizing the gradual disappearance of the bird's body. Simultaneously, a sprout emerges from the middle of each page, representing the birth of new life. This clever use of the book's volume adds depth and dimension to the storytelling experience.

The book's dimensions, measuring 105mm x 27mm x 150mm, are intentionally designed to mimic the size of a bird's body. The thickness of almost three centimeters further emphasizes the connection between the book and the deceased bird. As readers progress through the pages, they can physically feel the bird's body diminishing, mirroring the passage of time and the inevitable cycle of life.

Shu Wei Chang's attention to detail extends beyond the book's content. The cover, made from paper with a sand-like texture, invites readers to touch and feel the ground where the story takes place. The absence of color throughout the book creates a sense of emptiness, allowing readers to focus on the concept of time, something intangible yet profoundly impactful.

Furthermore, the book's cover features a debossed rectangular pit, reminiscent of a photo frame. Inside this pit, a transparent sticker printed with a green feather is placed, symbolizing the encapsulation of the bird's death within the story. This thoughtful design choice adds an additional layer of symbolism and intrigue.

One of the significant challenges faced during the creation of "After a Bird Fell Down" was the binding process. The initial concept involved a board book with holes aligned on each page. However, this proved to be technically challenging and impractical. After several revisions, the designer settled on using 0.5mm cardboards with spine taping, ensuring the pages are securely bound. The result is a book that is not only visually stunning but also functional and durable.

"After a Bird Fell Down" has received recognition for its exceptional design. It was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the Print and Published Media Design category in 2022. This prestigious accolade celebrates designs that demonstrate creativity, resourcefulness, and a commitment to improving the quality of life. Shu Wei Chang's book stands out for its technical prowess and its ability to evoke emotions and provoke contemplation.

In conclusion, "After a Bird Fell Down" is a remarkable picture book that pushes the boundaries of traditional storytelling. Through its innovative design, it explores the cycle of life, reminding readers that time brings not only reduction and death but also growth and new beginnings. Shu Wei Chang's creation is a testament to the power of design to captivate, inspire, and provoke thought.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Shu-Wei Chang
Image Credits: Shu-Wei Chang
Project Team Members: Shu-Wei Chang
Project Name: After a Bird Fell Down
Project Client: Shu-Wei Chang

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